Thursday 26 May 2016



Chinese Title: (海豚灣戀人) Hai Tun Wan Lian Ren
English Title: At The Dolphin Bay
Genre: Romance
Director: Lin He Long
Producer: Chun Yu San
No. Of Episode: 28
Broadcast Network: SETTV / CTS
Broadcast Period: May 18, 2003 to Sept. 14, 2003
Air Time: Sunday 21:40 - 23:10
Opening Theme Song: I Don't Want To Know by: Chen Wei
Ending Theme Song: Yi Shi De Mei Hao by: Angela Zhang
Related TV Show: Kau Masih Kekasihku



A long, long time ago, the son of a God in the Heavens violated a spiritual law within the Heavenly World by falling in love with a maiden in the Human World. Not being able to stay in the Spiritual World or the Human World, the two of them traveled all around, but still couldn't find a place where they could stay. There was only the fairy queen that lived within the deepest part of the forest that sympathizes with their plight and gave this pair of lovers a spiritual copper charm. This spiritual copper charm protected them when they traveled across the ocean. However, the God of Envy discovered the secret behind the copper charm, took it away and threw it into the ocean. For this reason, the pair of lovers that lost the protection of the copper charm was dashed loose by the big waves. Even if that was the case, they both still continued searching for one another until the last minute.
When dawn arrives, seeing that the two of them will soon be changed into foam, this love was very touching to the kind-hearted dolphin, and at the moment of daybreak, the dolphin jumped out of the ocean carrying the copper charm in its mouth, allowing this pair of lovers to once again possess the blessing from the fairy queen so that they can be together again. At the moment when the first ray of sunlight shines on the white sandy beach, the whole beach was washed with a happy pinkish color and the dolphin also jumped high up to the sky, becoming the symbol for protecting love. From then on, in the beginning of every autumn, at the place where the dolphin showed itself in daybreak, this beach would be glowing in a pinkish light. So long as you are quiet and listen carefully, you may even hear the dolphin singing. If only you look out to the far distant, you may also see the dolphin coming, carrying the copper charm in its mouth…

Melody of Sequence

young Ze Ya was the one that first finds the little girl that was standing in front of the door of The Home of Saint Ruo Se. Not long after that the little girl was brought to the head Sister’s office and then became a member of The Home of Saint Ruo Se.
                The little girl was really very dumb. Not only does she not know her own name, but she also doesn't speak very clearly. All the children in The Home would laugh at her, follow the way she speaks behind the back of the Sister, using making fun of her as their way of having fun. They even made a name for her called "small bottle cap" because once a bottle is opened, the bottle cap would be thrown away - its fate is just like that of the little girl. Later this 4 year old "small bottle cap" wetted her bed and was laughed at by the children for a whole day long. Her food was even snatched away and she didn't have anything to eat. Young Ze Ya couldn't continue looking on, this pair of tear-filled, lonely and helpless eyes caused him to be unable to bear it anymore. He stood out and for "small bottle cap" he even got into a fight with the other children. From then on "small bottle cap" is under the protection of the young Ze Ya and is finally not being bullied anymore. "Small bottle cap's" pronunciation is still not too clear, always calling young Ze Ya's name into "Da Da". But young Ze Ya would still understand what she is saying and even accepted the name of "Da Da" as if that is the secret code to the way they communicated with each other…

Main Cast:

Angela Zhang as Sky Yi / Little Cap / Sky Hsu

Her mom passed away when she was 4 years old, she was left in front of the door of The Home of Saint Ruo Se. Because when she was little her  pronunciation wasn't clear plus her lack of courage and weakness, she would often be bullied by the other children in The Home. So much that she would be made fun of and be called a "bottle cap" which once one picks it up, one would throw it away. Fortunately, she has Ze Ya's protection. She strongly remembers her promise with "Da Da" - to live and pass the days happily. After they grew up, they didn't know that the other person is the "small bottle cap" and "Da Da" that they have been trying to find amongst all these people.

Ambrose Hsu as Zerya Hsu / Da Da

A little boy adopted by The Home of Saint Ruo Se. When he was 6 years old, he saw the little girl, 2 years younger than him, "small bottle cap" who just came into The Home being bullied and he stood out protecting her. Under the presence of his grandfather. Hsu Ruo Gu, Zerya's life has an enormous change. By means of his excellent grades, he graduated early from his school. As his grandfather wished, Zerya got into his grandfather's business - SET Television Corporation and became the company's General Manager. His life continues on, just that there is still his promise with "small bottle cap". And when will he know the truth to what he has been seeking for all along? -- "small bottle cap" is Sky Yi

Wallace Huo as Hilton Gang

The creative general supervisor at the SET Television Station. A talented person with both artistic skills and administrative capabilities that is hard to come by. Is in a relationship with Diva status female singer, Mandy Chen. If it wasn't for the appearance of Zerya and Sky Yi, then it could have been that the two of them would have gotten married and became the Entertainment circle's most noticed couple. But Zerya's appearance broke all the rules.

Penny Lin as Sally Hsu

Between the 3 good friends, she's the brightest one of all. Fashionable and pretty, bright with intelligence, her number one goal in life is to get married into a rich family and be a young mistress. Believes that money is not everything, but without money, there is nothing. Strives hard to find love. Once she has her eye on an object, she would do everything she can to get it. However the life of the rich family is as deep as that of an ocean. 

Jill Hsu as Mandy Chen

She is  the SET Television Station's Diva status female singer. Is in love with Hilton Gang and for Hilton Gang, she has also declined high price offers from other recording companies. She acts meekly towards people, but along this meekness there is also a party of strictness that comes with her Diva status. She's also willing to help the the newcomers. However, when she hears the sound of Ski Yi's singing for the first time, right away she consciously knows that Sky Yi would be the biggest threat to her status and position.


At The Dolphin Bay Ost:

Drama Poster:

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